I'm addicted to stumbleupon.com. I have discovered so much. You choose your interests and with the click of one button, you are transported from one website..to the next..to the next.
Of course mine are food and crafting related..but I threw in some nature because I do love looking at beautiful photographs of places I'll never go.
I am also addicted to tumblr.com...basically it's a way to see gifs and photos , share them. You can also post your own blog, photos, videos,etc. It's neat. A great time waster.
Also..there is Facebook.I love that I can log in and see what all my friends and family are doing..click "like" and move on. I work so much and am so busy that really is the only way I can stay in touch...sad..but true.
Most of the working world is the same. At least one can hope I'm not the only person.